Thursday, November 29, 2007

Assessment in the Arctic

Hello again to all my friends!(I learned that off of Barney yesterday..I mean when I was 6)

Well, I found out that my roommate is not the only one that reads this. I don't know if that is a good thing, but I figure you all still talk to me. You are my true friends:) I just asked Amanda what I should blog about and she said "anything". I don't know if I really want to blog about that though, so I thought I would just tell ya'll about my day.

November 29, 2007 0700

See I don't have an alarm clock at the moment, so I use a timer. Literally, I have to set it to how many hours it is before I wake up. It is rather depressing. I lay there staring at it, as if it is a bomb. It keeps me awake because all I can think about is how it is going down, and how I will have to get up. I used to like the sound of the timer. It meant the cookies were done, or the bread had risen. Now, it just means feeling like a zombie and scrummaging around looking for a pair of scrubs and stethescope.Praying that Jesus would return. I wish I was joking. Anyways, that was a major side note if there ever was one.
What I wanted to talk about was what happened today in lab. See, we are now taking an Assessment class. I really like it, because it is hands on and practical. Today we were doing the urinary system. It is pretty sweet to listen to your insides. It brings joy to my life. Today me and Amanda got to lab early. I was lying in the bed waiting for her to start her assessment on me when our teacher came up to me. Sometimes she does illustrations on us so we can see how it is to be done. Today I was her guinea pig, which is fine. Unfortunatly, it involved listening to my stomach and asking me awkward questions. Actually, they are not so much awkward it is just really weird telling the whole class when my last bowel movement was. I honestly have no idea. It isn't like I have it written on my hand.:) Anyways, so she tells me I am going to be her guinea pig. I am lying there with all these people around me. It is like a movie when you open your eyes and there is people above you. Here's the thing, the boiler broke down in our classroom so it was flippin' cold. There I was lying there bundled up in blankets and trying to not freeze to death, yet my stomach had to be exposed to the world because she was listening to it. It was really unusual. Then she had to put her freezing cold hands on my abdomen, which basically made me tense up. I think I looked like a corpse. Cold, frozen and now tense. She tried to warm up her hands, but somehow trying to warm up hands in the Arctic does not work. Oh, and then the stethescope was really cold. I swear, I am going to carry around a little lighter to warm mine up when I go around listening to insides. Plus, she asked me all these weird things in front of my class. How am I supposed to remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, or what time I usually take a bowel movement? My waste excretion varies, depending on the day. You know what I mean?? It isn't like I have a time booked in my day planner to do that.1:00 GO TO THE WASHROOM! Anyways, that was probably not something you wanted to hear. Someday, if I am ever your nurse I will ask you that though. Be prepared. Write it down somewhere. Oh, and they might ask you what color your urine is.Here's my advice.Get paint chips and compare. Then when they ask you can say"sunlight yellow" or "pale banana peel". They will think you are brilliant!!! Guaranteed. Luckily, I made it through fine with only minor mental issues.
Well, that was my day in a nut shell. Showed off my belly to the world in the Arctic Tundra, figured out my bowel habits and gave a paint chip to my teacher.

I am so scared to go to bed and have a dream about my day. That would be a nightmare.Wake up screaming."PALE BANANA PEEL, DON'T HURT ME!!"

Ho man, that was an intense vent:) My last advice. Get your measles shot! Sweet Dreams, Jess

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